Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
Miss Independent ::Ne-Yo::
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Ooh is something about
Just something about the way she move
I can't figure it out
It's something about her
Say, ooh is something about
Kinda woman that want you but don't need you
Hey, I can't figure it out
It's something about her
'Cause she walk like a boss
Talk like a boss
Manicure nails just set the pedicure off
She's fly effortlessly
And she move like a boss
Do what a boss
Do, she got me thinking about getting involved
That's the kinda girl I need (oh)
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah (ohh)
Ooh there's something about
Kinda woman that can do for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud
There's something about her
Something, ooh, so sexy about
Kinda woman that don't even need my help
She said she got it, she got it (she said she got it, she got it)
No doubt, there's something about her (there's something about her)
'Cause she work like a boss
Play like a boss
Car and the crib she 'bout to pay 'em both off
And bills are payed on time, yeah
She made for a boss
Slowly a boss
Anything less she telling them to get lost
That's the girl that's on my mind
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Her favorite thing to say, don't worry I got it
And everything she got best believe she bought it
She gon' steal my heart ain't no doubt about it, girl
You're everything I need, said you're everything I need
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
She's got her own thing (ooohooohhoh)
That's why I love her (that's why I love her, oh ohh)
Miss independent (independent)
Won't you come and spend a little time (ohh)
She's got her own thing (she got, she got)
That's why I love her (that's why I love that girl)
Miss independent (ohh ohh) javascript:void(0)
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Miss independent
That's why I love her
Miss Independent ::Ne-Yo::
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Ooh is something about
Just something about the way she move
I can't figure it out
It's something about her
Say, ooh is something about
Kinda woman that want you but don't need you
Hey, I can't figure it out
It's something about her
'Cause she walk like a boss
Talk like a boss
Manicure nails just set the pedicure off
She's fly effortlessly
And she move like a boss
Do what a boss
Do, she got me thinking about getting involved
That's the kinda girl I need (oh)
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah (ohh)
Ooh there's something about
Kinda woman that can do for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud
There's something about her
Something, ooh, so sexy about
Kinda woman that don't even need my help
She said she got it, she got it (she said she got it, she got it)
No doubt, there's something about her (there's something about her)
'Cause she work like a boss
Play like a boss
Car and the crib she 'bout to pay 'em both off
And bills are payed on time, yeah
She made for a boss
Slowly a boss
Anything less she telling them to get lost
That's the girl that's on my mind
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Her favorite thing to say, don't worry I got it
And everything she got best believe she bought it
She gon' steal my heart ain't no doubt about it, girl
You're everything I need, said you're everything I need
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
She's got her own thing (ooohooohhoh)
That's why I love her (that's why I love her, oh ohh)
Miss independent (independent)
Won't you come and spend a little time (ohh)
She's got her own thing (she got, she got)
That's why I love her (that's why I love that girl)
Miss independent (ohh ohh)
Ooh, the way you shine
Miss independent
Miss independent
That's why I love her
Take A Bow Lyric ::Rihanna::
How 'bout a round of applause?
Standin ovation
Ohwoah Yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
You look so dumb right now
Standin' outside my house
Tryin' to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Just cut it out
Don't tell me you're sorry,
Cause you're not,
And baby when I know,
You're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show.
Really had me goin'
But now it's time to go,
Curtain's finally closin'.
That was quite a show.
Very entertainin'.
But it's over now.
Go on and take a bow.
Grab your clothes and get gone.
You better hurry up,
Before the sprinklers come on.
Talkin 'bout,
'Girl I love you, you're the one.'
This just looks like a rerun.
What else is on?
And don't tell me you're sorry,
Cause you're not.
Baby when I know,
You're only sorry you got caught.
But you put on quite a show.
Really had me goin'
But now it's time to go,
Curtain's finally closin'.
That was quite a show.
Very entertainin'.
But it's over now.
Go on and take a bow.
And the award for the best lie goes to you!
For makin' me believe
That you could be faithful to me.
Let's hear your speech.
How 'bout a round of applause?
Standin' ovation
But you put on quite a show.
Really had me goin'
But now it's time to go,
Curtain's finally closin'.
That was quite a show.
Very entertainin'.
But it's over now.
Go on and take a bow.
But it's over now.
BB A To Z Included Some Tips!
jadi sebelum beli perhatikan sekali lagi ya..kode kode PIN yang tertera dikotak, atau kalo pada saat blackberry dinyalakan tekan ALT - aA - H tekan tiga tombol ini berbarengan. maka akan keluar informasi Help Me !
Pastikan bukan pin pin dengan kode diatas...atau IMEI berawalan 0044xxxxx dan tidak ada tulisan Engineering Unit.
Tips Blackberry - Part #1
Blackberry … maenan baru bagi beberapa orang …
Jadi aku mau share beberapa informasi aja nih … moga2 bermanfaat …
1. Cek Blackberry Locked or Unlocked
- Buka Options - Advanced Options - Sim Card - ketik “MEPD”
- Nanti bakal muncul tuh baris2 baru ….
- Nah BB yang udah unlocked, bakal berstatus “Disabled” semua
2. Cek Blackberry kena IT Policy ato gak … New or Second?
- Buka Options - Status - ketik “BUYR”
- Perhatikan baris “Data Usage” en “Voice Usage”
- Kl kena IT Policy, tulisannya bakal ada “IT Policy”
- Kl gak kena IT Policy, tulisannya bakal menunjukkan jumlah pemakaian si BB
- Kl New harusnya sih 0 semua, tp angka ini bisa direset koq ternyata
3. Akses Informasi PIN - IMEI - VendorID - FreeMem - Versi OS - etc
Dari Menu Icon, bisa pencet tombol “ALT” - “NUM / Aa / Cap” - “H” bareng2 …
Atau bisa ke Options - Status
4. Mo Restart Blackberry kl lagi nge-hang
Pencet tombol “ALT” - “Cap / Aa yang sebelah Kanan” - “DEL” bareng2 …
5. Memory BlackBerry mulai menipis
- Bisa restart BB pake cara no. 4
- Tapi kl mau lebih fresh banget, cabut batere BB selama 1 menitan … trus pasang lagi
6. Setting Alert untuk masing2 email / SMS / YM / Facebook … dll
- Pilih icon “Profiles”, scroll ke bawah banget sampe ketemu “Advanced…” diklik, pilih Profile yang mau diedit…
- Contoh: Messages [Yahoo]
- Perhatikan bagian atas “Out of Holster” mau dibikin apa ? None / Vibrate / Tone / Vibrate + Tone
Maksudnya kl henpon lg gak disimpen di Holster/Pouch … nantinya mo gimana alert buat si Yahoo.
- Abis itu Pilih jenis Ringtone nya
- Nah jangan lupa ATUR bagian Volume … jangan sampe udah pilih Tone, tapi Volumenya masih Mute, sama aja BoDonk
- Nah abis itu bisa atur bagian “In Holster” … maksudnya selama di Pouch/Holster, alertnya mo kayak gimana …
Biasanya sih kl Out Of Holster cuman bunyi tanpa getar en volume Low / Medium … nah bagian In Holster nya ta’ bikin getar + Volume High
Ingat Pengaturan ini per Email Account ya!
7. Memisahkan SMS dengan Email
- Buka icon “Messages”
- klik Menu en Pilih Options - General Options
- Perhatikan bagian “SMS and Email Inboxes” … pilih Separate
8. Menampilkan Inbox lebih menarik (menurut gw)
- Buka icon “Messages”
- klik Menu en pilih Options - General Options
- Display Order “Name, Subject”
- Display Message Header On “2 lines”
- Separators “Stripes”
- Keep Messages “15 days” ——-> Biar irit memory
9. Shortcut bernavigasi di Email
- “N” - untuk next email (berurutan)
- “P” - untuk previous email (berurutan)
- “U” - untuk next unread email (bakal nyari kl udah diujung akhir en msh ada sisa)
10. Shortcut bernavigasi di content Email or Browser
- “T” untuk ke paling atas (TOP)
- “B” untuk ke paling bawah (BOTTOM)
- [space] untuk scroll ke bawah … mirip page down
- [shift/num/Aa kiri] + [space] untuk scroll ke atas atau page up
- menampilkan menu pilihan di browser, tekan tombol [alt]
- memilih menu terkadang [space], [enter] atau tekan scroll wheel / ball nya
11. Apabila dibilang ada Email / Message yang belum dibaca, pdhl dicari2 udah gak ada ato diapus … coba buka di Folder Saved Messages … kl misalkan masih gak ketemu juga … coba restart Blekberi nya … (tips no 4)
12. Umur batere Blackberry tergantung oleh:
- kekuatan sinyal operator, makin bagus en stabil … berarti makin irit
- traffic data yg lewat … makin banyak makin cepet abis
- setting alert di henpon … semakin minim, semakin irit, antara lain:
* vibrate … bikin lebih boros
* volume … semakin kecil, semakin irit
* led indikator … gak terlalu ngefek tapi kl dimatiin bisa lebih irit
- setting brightness tampilan, semakin terang semakin boros
- aktivitas kita dalam memainkan si henpon, semakin sering kita ngetik dan mengoperasikan si henpon, batere akan makin kesedot abis. Akan berasa lebih awet umurnya, jika henpon kita biarkan standby saja selama berjam2.
Dari semua faktor tadi, yang paling berpengaruh adalah yang terakhir … Apabila henpon dibiarkan saja, hanya sesekali dipakai … akan irit.
Faktor berikutnya adalah … setting alert di henpon, saran:
- apabila siang hari, gunakan alert tone saja dengan volume medium tanpa vibrate
- apabila di dalam holster, gunakan alert vibrate saja, tanpa volume
- apabila malam hari / tidur, gunakan profile silent (tanpa tone en tanpa vibrate).
13. Memanfaatkan AutoText
AutoText terkadang membantu, kadang juga gak … berdasarkan kebutuhan saya, saya menghapus hampir semua autotext yang ada di Blackberry, dan saya membuat autotext sendiri …
- mypin: 23FBA104
- mymail: Dicky@WahyuPurnomo.com
14. Beberapa Icon Email tidak Muncul
Kemungkinan hal ini disebabkan BlackBerry baru saja di wipe atau install ulang atau diupgrade.
Cara mengembalikannya ? Login ke web http://operator.blackberry.com … lalu pilih “Service Books” … lalu klik tombol “Send Service Books”
Tunggu beberapa saat … nanti icon2 email itu akan kembali
15. Problem Koneksi
Perhatikan tulisan GPRS / EDGE / GSM pada layar Blackberry yang biasa nya sebelahan dengan indikator sinyal… huruf besar kecil ada artinya …
GSM: artinya Blackberry baru bisa digunakan sebagai henpon saja, call dan sms.
gprs / edge (huruf kecil): artinya Blackberry sudah mendapatkan sinyal untuk data (gprs/edge) tetapi belum dapat digunakan sebagai koneksi data BlackBerry.
GPRS / EDGE (huruf besar): artinya Blackberry sudah dapat digunakan sebagai mana mustinya …
*updated on 23 Oct 2008*
16. Men-Setting Agar Bisa Langsung Call Tanpa +62 dulu … alias bisa 021 xxx atau 08 xxxx
Pencet tombol hijau untuk Dial, lalu klik Menu … pilih Options … pilih Smart Dialing … lalu ke Country Code dan pilih “+62″
Tips Berikutnya lebih rumit ya
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 10.09.08 @ 11:09 |
Unlock & Menghapus IT Policy di BlackBerry
Ada beberapa kasus di Blackberry kl beli baru / second …
1. BlackBerry Locked
artinya Blackberry masih dikunci oleh Operator, en cuman bisa dipasangin SIM Card dari operator tersebut … supaya bisa dipake SIM card operator lain, maka BlackBerry harus di-unlock dulu … caranya ? Kita bisa beli kode unlock BlackBerry tsb secara online … dan setauku cuman ini caranya utk unlock …
Cara cek Blackberry itu masih Locked ato gak ?
1. Options - Advanced Options - Sim Card - ketik MEPD
2. Perhatikan semua status harusnya “Disabled” … itu artinya Unlocked …
Contoh websitenya:
Luar … http://www.unlockanyblackberry.com/price-list/
Lokal … http://www.jasaunlock.com
Nanti setelah dapet kode nya … cara masukinnya ?
Blackberry 8800 / 8300
1. Options - Advanced options - Sim card - ketik “MEPD”
2. Lalu ketik “MEP” dan tekan tombol ‘Alt’ lalu tekan ‘2′
3. Nanti akan muncul prompt “Enter Network MEP Code” … lalu masukkan kode unlocknya.
Blackberry 8100
1. Masukkan SIM Card
2. Nyalakan henpon tapi matikan fungsi radionya / henponnya … “Wireless Off”
3. Pilih Options - Advanced options - Sim card - ketik “MEPPD”
4. Lalu ketik “MEPP” dan tekan tombol ‘Alt’ lalu tekan ‘2′
5. Nanti akan muncul prompt “Enter Network MEP Code” … lalu masukkan kode unlocknya.
6. Reboot henpon (Alt - Cap - Del)
Blackberry 8700
1. Options - Advanced options - Sim card - ketik “MEPD”
2. Tekan dan tahan tombol ‘Alt’ dan ketik “MEPE”
3. Nanti akan muncul prompt “Enter Network MEP Code” … lalu masukkan kode unlocknya.
2. IT Policy
IT Policy artinya adalah restriksi atau adanya batasan dalam pemakaian BlackBerry.
Contoh restriksinya, misal tidak boleh mendownload attachment, gak boleh konek blutut, gak boleh install aplikasi tambahan.
Terkadang IT Policy cuman sekedar muncul default, tp secara operasional tidak membatasi sama sekali. Untuk mengecek apakah IT Policy aktif atau tidak:
Options - Status - ketik “BUYR” … nanti akan muncul Data Usage en Voice Usage
Kl muncul … IT Policy Enabled … ini baru artinya IT Policy Aktif …
Cara ngilanginnya ? Syaratnya harus OS nya versi 4.3 ke atas ya …
1. Download JL Commander
2. Instal aplikasi ini di Windows XP
3. Colok BlackBerry ke PC, lalu pastikan PIN terdetect di Desktop Manager
4. Matikan Desktop Manager, dan jalankan JL Command dari shortcut di Desktop
5. Pilih Reset to Factory Default, lalu saat layar aplikasi merah … jgn lupa tekan “Y” untuk konfirmasi
6. Blackberry akan restart … dan seharusnya udah gak ada IT Policy lagi … coba cek lagi aja
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 10.07.08 @ 21:42 |
Memunculkan Themes Operator lain di BlackBerry
Setiap handset Blackberry pada umumnya ‘didesign’ untuk operator tertentu … misalnya 8700c punyaku … itu adalah untuk operator Cingular ato AT&T.
Ini yang menyebabkan, pada saat kita melakukan upgrade OS di Blackberry, maka muncul Themes khusus milik Operator, dalam kasusku adalah muncul Themes AT&T, yg rada berat … Sedangkan ada beberapa Themes operator lain yang cukup lucu en ringan … seperti O2 en Vodafone.
Malem ini, aku baru aja dapet ilmu baru untuk memunculkan themes2 operator lain supaya bisa muncul di 8700c ku ini …
1. Harus punya installer OS Blackberry, contohnya: 8700 versi
Otomatis harus via Windows en Desktop Manager 4.5
2. Proses ini bisa dilakukan sebelum upgrade Blackberry atau sebelum upgrade
3. Buka folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research in Motion\Shared\Loader Files\8700……
(Sesuai dengan installer OS nya tadi)
4. Buka file BlackBerry.alx, bisa pake Wordpad aja …
5. Lalu search dengan keyword _theme_
Perhatikan bagian: _vendorID=”220″
6. Nah sekarang, cek vendorID dari Blackberry kita dengan cara tekan tombol: Alt + Cap + H
Contoh 8700 ku adalah 102
7. Sekarang kita edit bagian _vendorID=”220″ menjadi _vendorID=”102|220″
8. Lalu colok Blackberry ke PC, jalankan Desktop Manager, dan klik AppLoader
9. Silahkan lakukan proses seperti mo upgrade …
*kl udah upgrade, prosesnya cuman nambahin Themes doank, jd cuman bentar*
10. Tunggu sampe Handset restart … en silahkan cek di Options - Theme … Bakal keluar semua Theme2 Operator lain, kayak Verizon, Vodafone, O2, Orange dll ….
Met menikmati
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 09.22.08 @ 00:25 |
Mbenerin ‘Nuked’ Blackberry = Cuman Nyala Led Merah Kedip2
- Handphone nge-blank … alias layar tetap mati
- Lampu Led Mati - Idup berulang kali …. nyala merah sekitar 5 detik, dan mati sekitar 2-3 detik
- Kl dicolokin ke PC, bakal bunyi USB connect and disconnect sesuai dengan nyala LED
Kondisi ini yang disebut dengan “Nuked” Blackberry.
1. Colok Blackberry + USB ke PC
2. Install OS Blackberry yang bersangkutan, coba dulu dengan versi 4.5 - jika tidak ada hasil silahkan download dan install versi 4.2 (based on experience) - Jangan lupa hapus Vendor.xml
3. Aktifkan Desktop Manager
4. Klik App Loader - Start
5. Tunggu hingga muncul: USB-PIN: UNKNOWN … segera klik Next … kl gak keburu, ya tunggu aja sampe nongol lagi
6. Silahkan dilanjutkan proses seperti install / upgrade OS
Kl sampe sini langsung sukses, ya selamat !
Yang aku alamin … henpon akan tampil error 507.
Jadi Desktop Manager harus dimatiin dulu … en diulang proses dari no. 3 … dan seharusnya kali ini PIN udah bukan UNKNOWN lagi, tapi udah bisa dikenali. Nah kl gak ada sama sekali … silahkan reinstall Desktop Manager dengan pilihan Repair.
Lakukan proses hingga Blackberry bisa nyala normal dengan versi 4.2, barulah kemudian diupgrade ke 4.5
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 10.29.08 @ 02:04 |
Mbenerin Blackberry yang Crash
Pada kasus ini, crash yg disebut adalah: Pesan Error “JUM Error 545″ pada saat startUp.
Kemungkinan krn sering cabut batere tanpa matiin secara prosedural, or emang lg apes aja.
1. Install Desktop Manager
2. Install OS Updater, contoh: 8800 versi
(jangan lupa hapus file Vendor.xml)
1. Cabut Batere (tetap dilepas sampe proses no 7)
2. Nyalain Desktop Manager
3. Colokin USB ke Blackberry en ke PC
4. Lalu klik Application Loader dr Desktop Manager
5. Pilih aplikasi2 yang mau diinstall … lalu klik Finish
6. Desktop Manager akan melakukan proses “Erasing Applications” … tunggu sampe kelar
7. Nanti pada saat “Connecting JVM” … biarkan dulu sesaat … lalu pasang kembali baterenya
8. Nanti setelah batere terpasang, otomatis Desktop Manager akan meneruskan proses
9. Tunggu saja sampe selesai …
Akhirnya Blackberry kembali menyala normal lagi …
Semua data yang udah ada bakal hilang
Makanya sering2 bikin Backup
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 09.22.08 @ 14:47 |
Prosedur Upgrade/ReInstall OS BlackBerry
Berikut ada prosedur untuk mengupgrade Blackberry…
1. Windows XP
2. BlackBerry Desktop Manager versi 4.5
1. Download installer OS Blackberry … cari dulu di internet … contoh keyword: 8700
Nanti dapet URL kayak gini: https://www.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=4C56FF4CE4AAF9573AA5DFF913DF997A
2. Install file OS yang udah didownload (Jangan lupa matiin Desktop Manager dulu)
3. Buka direktori C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
4. Hapus file Vendor.xml
5. Colok BlackBerry ke USB
6. Nyalain Desktop Manager
7. Klik AppLoader
8. Tinggal ikutin panduan untuk install OS …
Proses butuh sekitar 1 jam, paling lama saat proses Erasing Application (awal) ama Waiting for Device (terakhir) …
Note: Selama proses berlangsung, jangan dicabut Blackberry ama USB nya …
Kl terjadi kegagalan, tinggal diulangin aja koq proses nya …
Upgrade Blackberry relatif aman, selama ini selalu bisa diperbaiki dengan re-install dengan proses ini.
oleh Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
pada 09.22.08 @ 09:45 |
Tips Blackberry #2 - Melegakan Memory Size
Blackberry seri 8xxx memiliki 64 MB memory internal, yang digunakan secara bersama antara Operating System, System RAM dan Storage … yang akhirnya kl kita pake OS 4.5 dengan installasi standard hanya menyisakan memory paling bagus sekitar 24 MB. Dan apabila dipakai cukup lama, biasanya akan mulai melambat kalau sudah memasuki memory tersisa di bawah 10 MB.
Beberapa tips ini saya mulai dari simple en dilanjutkan ke agak rumit:
Mudah …
1. Install Aplikasi yang diperlukan saja, tidak perlu menyimpan aplikasi yang hanya dipake sekali saja.
2. Hindari aplikasi yang akan terus menerus menyala, seperti Google Mail atau Yahoo Messenger. Gunakanya yg penting saja, dan jangan aktifkan automatically connect …
3. Keep Messages se-minim mungkin saja … contoh 15 days, atau rajin2 menghapus Email saja.
4. Tidak perlu menyimpan Log History Chatting dari YM, GTalk, BB Messenger atau lainnya.
5. Restart BB kl berasa udah mulai lambat.
6. Cabut batere BB utk beberapa menit, kl restart udah mulai gak ngefek.
(bbrp tips ini udah ada di artikel sebelumnya)
Agak Rumit …
7. Install Ulang OS BlackBerry Anda, dan pilih seperlunya … Contoh:
- Jangan install language2, MDS, DOD Certificate, Password Keeper, Blackberry Maps kl gak punya GPS, BrickBreaker, Document To Go.
Cara install ulang bisa dibaca di sini
- alias cuman install: BlackBerry Messenger, BlackBerry Attachment Service, MemoPad, Tasks
8. Install MaxMem via BlackBerry aja … buka URL: http://mobile.blackberrytrade.com
Dari aplikasi itu kita bisa buang: Themes yang gak kepake, PTT (Push to Talk), Voice Activated Dialing (VAD), MDS, Ringtones. Dan ini relatif aman. Aplikasi ini bisa diapus kl udah selesai dipake.
Semoga bermanfaat ….
Selasa, 16 Desember 2008
1. Prestige (Prestis), Gaya, Gaul, Keren-Kerenan, Biar Modis, Biar Up To Date
2. Fungsi dari BB Service dari Operator Telco seperti ( INDOSAT, TELKOMSEL, XL)
Kebanyakan Orang LEBIH ke arah no. 1 guw juga gak tau kenapa. Mungkin karena bentuk dari Handset BB yg diciptakan oleh RIM ( Research In Motion ) telah berevolusi dari " Si Itik Buruk Rupa" telah sampai kepada titik " Telah Mencapai Estetika " maka dari itu BB telah " MENGHANCURKAN " harga pasar barang elektronik yg memiliki fungsi sejenis minus BB Service terkecuali BB Connect tersedia untuknya. Banyak Barang Elektronik di INDONESIA khususnya yg mengalami keANJLOKan yg cukup luar biasa yg hanya diakibatkan oleh BB itu sendiri. Kembali ke topik utama, fungsi utama yg diburu oleh para calon konsumen yg "MENGERTI BETUL" akan teknologi yg terkandung di dalamnya tak lain dan tak bukan adalah BB Service itu sendiri yg memungkinkan akses internet unlimited dengan harga terjangkau dimana saja kapan saja dengan BB, selain itu ada juga fungsi PUSH EMAIL yg memungkinkan pengguna BB untuk menerima email sekejap dan semudah menerima sebuah SMS. Dan dikarenakan BB memang dirancang khusus untuk menerima banyak email sekaligus, maka jangan takut atau khawatir apabila BB anda ngeHANG karena menerima terlalu banyak email, karena tampungannya besar sampai PULUHAN RIBU email pun dapat tertampung TANPA MENGURANGI PERFORMA BB ITU SENDIRI.
Mekanisme Penjualan ( Ritel ) BB adalah sebagai berikut:
RIM (Research In Motion ) -> Telco (Indosat, XL, Telkomsel) -> Konsumen
Tersedia pilihan khusus untuk tipe BB tertentu untuk menggunakan Wi-Fi atau GPS atau 3G tergantung dari jenisnya.
Salah satu pilihan khusus yg sering terpakai adalah Wi-Fi karena mulai menjamurnya tempat-tempat yg menyediakan Wi-Fi HotSpot secara gratis.
Mengapa GPS kurang begitu termanfaatkan? karena kebanyakan orang lebih memilih membeli perangkat GPS terpisah untuk di kendaraan masing-masing dibandingkan dengan menggunakannya di perangkat komunikasinya.
Dan Mengapa Juga 3G kurang begitu terpakai? untuk 3G yg video call / conference tidak begitu terpakai karena mengingat masih mahalnya tarif video call / conference 3G. Lebih banyak orang memanfaatkan 3G / 3.5G untuk HSPDA (High Speed Packet Data Access) karena kecepatan UPLOAD, DOWNLOAD, PING, serta STREAMING jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan BROADBAND, namun tergantung kepada kualitas sinyal.
Generasi Terbaru dari BB kalau saya tidak salah adalah BB Storm yg sengaja dipersiapkan untuk menghadang iPhone 3G. Generasi sebelumnya adalah BB 9000 Bold, dibawahnya Bold ada BB Curve, dan seterusnya.
Pengguna BB terus berkembang secara SIGNIFIKAN. Apabila dibuat sebuah DIAGRAM BATANG atau GRAFIK maka yg akan terlihat sudah pasti akan mengejutkan anda. Karena ditengah krisis ekonomi global yg melanda tentu anda tidak akan menyangka bahwa masih terdapat ANTUSIASME beserta jiwa KONSUMTIFME di dalam masyarakat INDONESIA yg sedang diuji dengan berbagai macam bencana. Sungguh Pemandangan Yg Mengherankan Bukan? Aneh memang, tapi memang nyata. Itulah kenyataannya. Ada seorang ahli ekonomi yg berpendapat bahwa INDONESIA itu HEDONISME sudah terlihat mulai mencolok, INDONESIA terlihat seperti negara yg penuh dengan orang-orang kaya. Padahal pada kenyataannya INDONESIA itu bukan dipenuhi maupun diisi dengan orang-orang kaya melainkan " JIWA KONSUMTIFME YG TERUS MERAUNG-RAUNG MINTA DIPENUHI, PADAHAL SIFAT DASAR MANUSIA ADALAH TIDAK PERNAH PUAS" kalaupun sedang mencapai kepuasan itu pun seringkali bersifat "SEMENTARA" kecuali kepuasan bathin antara manusia dan penciptanya yaitu: Allah SWT.
-Invasi Ini Baru Akan Dimulai-
-Invasi Ini Masih Akan Terus Berlanjut-
-Invasi Ini Akan Terus Menuai Korban Setiap Hari-
-Invasi Ini Takkan Terganti Hingga Ditemukan Pengganti Yg Sebanding-
-Invasi Ini Tiada Henti Sampai Kita Meyadari Kebutuhan dan Keinginan-
Kaskus FEVER is NOW ON!
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CENDOL* itu sendiri memiliki SLOT* yg bisa diUPGRADE apabila PANGKAT atau JULUKAN anda telah naik. Bagi KASKUSER* yg baru ISO 2000* maka SLOT yg tersedia adalah 1 slot per hari. Nama Lain Dari CENDOL* adalah GRP ( Good Reputation Point ). CENDOL* atau GRP itu sendiri memiliki "LAWAN atau MUSUH" yaitu: BRP ( Bad Reputation Point ) yg akan memberikan REPUTASI BURUK kepada KASKUSER* yg dikirimkan. Di KASKUS juga berlaku Fasilitas VIP khusus kepada para KASKUS DONATUR / DONATUR yg akan menambahkan SIMBOL [$] disamping nama user Kaskus anda, dan masih banyak fasilitas khusus lainnya. Salah Satu Keuntungan Menjadi KASKUS DONAT adalah memiliki kapasitas penampungan PM ( Private Message ) yg jauh lebih besar, dapat melihat siapa yg mengirim GRP / BRP kepada kita, dapat mengakses Thread Khusus KAskus Donat, Dapat Melihat Arsip DataBase Kaskus sebelum terkena serangan DDOS oleh YogyaFree yg memPORAK-PORANDAkan DataBase Kaskus.
-Sampai Bertemu Di Kaskus: EcoGoodFriends-
apabila ada pertanyaan atau masih terdapat ketidakjelasan mengenai kaskus silahkan hubungi saya tanpa perlu sungkan ke:
Yahoo! ::denny_asia@yahoo.com::
MSN Hotmail ::cengiir_cattroxx@hotmailcom::
Gmail ::cattroxxemoegf@gmail.com::
Terimakasih Atas Atensinya, Kritik Anda Membantu Saya Meningkatkan Kualitas Karya Sastra Saya Di BLOG ini, Maka Dari Itu KRITIK LAH YG BERTANGGUNGJAWAB!
Rabu, 24 September 2008
D'Jons Burger Rasanya Nempel di Hati

Bagi kamu yang suka banget sama makanan fast food. Cobain deh burger yang ada di kawasan Tebet Timur ini. Djons Burger namanya, tempat ini nyaman banget buat kamu yang ingin hang out sama teman-teman. Emang sih, Djons burger bisa dibilang paling ramai jika dibandingkan kuliner lainnya yang ada di kawasan Tebet.
Mungkin karena tempatnya yang tepat di pinggir jalan jadi terlihat sangat ramai. Selain itu alasan lain yang paling utama adalah harganya yang ramah di kantong. Harga satu porsi burger dijual mulai sepuluh ribuan saja. Untuk minuman disini tersedia berbagai macam minuman yang akan menggoyang lidah kamu. Nggak heran kalau anak muda alias ABG selalu datang dan nongkrong di tempat ini.
Untuk rasa, burger Djons nggak kalah dengan burger- burger yang ada saat ini. Rotinya yang empuk dan dagingnya yang tebal menjadi andalan utama yang ditawarkan. Makanya buat kamu yang penasarang banget sama Djons burger, buruan deh datang ke kawasan Tebet.
Hati-hati... Anak Suka Pakai Telepon Genggam Terancam Kanker Otak

Anak kecil ternyata lebih rentan terkena kanker otak jika mereka menggunakan telepon genggam. Menurut penelitian terbaru, anak kecil lima kali lebih rentan terkena kanker otak ketimbang orang dewasa pengguna telepon genggam.
Para peneliti mengkhawatirkan jumlah pemakai telepon genggam di Inggris yang masih anak-anak. Menurut penelitian tersebut, sekitar 90 persen anak berusia 16 tahun yang menggunakan telepon genggam terancam terkena kanker otak.
Penelitian tersebut juga menyimpulkan remaja yang mulai menggunakan telepon genggam rentan terkena kanker di glioma (salah satu bagian otak) yang menyerang pusat sistem saraf.
Penemuan tersebut dilaporkan dalam Konferensi Internasional tentang Telepon Genggam dan Kesehatan Pertama bulan ini.
Profesor Lennart Hardell dari University Hospital Orebro, Swedia, mengatakan, "Orang yang mulai menggunakan telepon genggam sebelum usia 20 tahun lima kali lebih rentan terkena kanker di glioma."
Penemuan itu keluar setelah pada 2000 dan 2005 bekas ilmuwan dari pemerintah Inggris, Sir Williams Stewart, merekomendasikan agar anak-anak tidak menggunakan telepon genggam.
Pekan lalu, Parlemen Eropa meminta para menteri negara-negara Eropa untuk membatasi radiasi di telepon genggam.
Andrea Hirata Bangga Akan Laskar Pelangi

Penulis buku Andrea Hirata mengaku takjub setelah melihat film "Laskar Pelangi" karya sutradara Riri Riza, yang merupakan adaptasi dari buku karangannya yang berjudul sama.
"Terus terang, bagi saya Laskar Pelangi adalah sebuah memoar, sebuah kisah masa kecil dalam film. Ini yang sulit saya gambarkan bagaimana kebahagiaan saya," kata Andrea Hirata dalam acara konferensi pers peluncuran film Laskar Pelangi, di Jakarta, Senin.
Film Laskar Pelangi berkisah tentang perjuangan dua guru SD Muhammadiyah dan sepuluh muridnya untuk bertahan mendapatkan pendidikan. Film itu diputar mulai 25 September di bioskop-bioskop di Indonesia. Andrea mengatakan, ketakjubannya semakin bertambah ketika menyadari bahwa pesan yang ingin disampaikannya dalam film itu ternyata dapat diterima penonton.
Pesan tersebut adalah tentang pentingnya pendidikan bagi masyarakat sekitar Belitong, masyarakat yang terpinggirkan dan miskin. "Teknik yang dipakai dalam pembuatan ini sangat tinggi, tapi Riri sebagai sutradara tidak melupakan pesan-pesan moral dalam film ini," kata pria berambut ikal itu.
Film Laskar Pelangi merupakan produksi ke-9 Miles Films dan Mizan Production. Dalam film ini Mira Lesmana menjadi produser dan penulisan naskahnya dikerjakan oleh Salman Aristo yang sebelumnya menulis naskah film, di antaranya Ayat Ayat Cinta, Brownies, dan Jomblo.
Cerita Laskar Pelangi berlatar belakang kehidupan di Pulau Belitong pada pertengahan tahun 1970an. Novel Laskar Pelangi merupakan karya "best seller" yang berisi kisah anak-anak Belitong yang inspiratif, penuh semangat, dan kemauan untuk bekerja keras. Film ini dibintangi 10 anak asli Belitong yang berperan sebagai anggota Laskar Pelangi dan akrtis dan aktor Indonesia, di antaranya Cut Mini, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro, Slamet Raharjo, Mathias Muchus, Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Lukman Sardi, Alex Komang, dan Jajang C Noer.
Seluruh pengambilan gambar dalam film ini dilakukan di Belitong dan menggunakan Bahasa Belitong. Proses pengambilan gambarnya memerlukan waktu satu tahun lamanya dan pada draft ke-11 Andrea baru menerima naskah lengkapnya untuk segera difilmkan.
"Dua tahun lamanya saya jungkir balik menghadapi penggemar yang tidak ingin Laskar Pelangi difilmkan, tapi saya yakin hasil kerja Riri dan kawan-kawan akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang luar biasa, dan hal itu menjadi kenyataan," demikian kata Andre
Facebook dibuat Film Hollywood!!
Nah kali ini bukan friendster yang fenomenal itu lho yang akan dibahas, melainkan Facebook. ya faceabook, teman dekat dari friendster ini didirikan oleh Mark Zuckerberg pada Februari 2004 ketika berkuliah di Universitas Harvard dan rencananya akan difilmkan oleh Sony dan produser film Scott Rudin.
Sebagai penulis naskah atau scriptwriter dari film facebook ini ditunjuk Aaron Sorkin, yang juga menulis naskah drama televisi The West Wing dan film yang dibintangi aktor Tom Hanks, Charlie Wilson's War.
Proyek patungan yang belum diberi judul itu mengalami kendala yang cukup signifikan yaitu Aaron Sorkin sang penulis naskah tersebut menghadapi kesulitan yang lumayan "menyita" waktu pekerjaannya dikarenakan ia mengaku tak memahami facebook secara mendalam sehingga ia membuka akun dahulu di facebook untuk membantu melakukan riset.
Penulis Naskah Film Facebook Aaron Sorkin
"Langkah pertama yang saya lakukan adalah mencari tahu apa sebenarnya Facebook itu. Makanya saya mendaftarkan diri ke situs ini, dan menggantungkan kepada para penggemar situs ini untuk mengulurkan bantuan Jujur saja saya tidak tahu cara kerja situs ini. Itulah sebabnya saya hadir di sini (di Facebook)." ungkap Aaron Sorkin.
Ia menambahkan "Saya bisa merasakan dampak internet terhadap budaya nasional kita. Tapi perasaan ini juga diikuti dengan kecanggihan, kebaikan, rasa ingin tahu, dan kelucuan berbagai tulisan dan komentar yang ada di situs ini." Pada tahap awal keanggotaan Facebook hanya terbatas pada para mahasiswa di Amerika Serikat namun sekarang pengguna Facebook mencapai lebih dari 100 juta di seluruh dunia. Gimana? siap bikin saingan facebook terus di filmkan juga?
Susu Tercemar Menyebar Di Asia from infogue.com
Krisis susu tercemar melamin telah membuat sakit hampir 53.000 anak dan menewaskan 4 anak di China. Kasus ini merembes ke produk-produk buatan 20 perusahaan lain yang menghasilkan cokelat, yogurt, dan biskuit.
Brunei Darussalam, Singapura, Kamboja, Taiwan, dan Malaysia telah melarang semua produk susu dari China. Meningkatnya ketakutan menyebabkan beberapa sekolah dan toko menarik lebih banyak produk asal China sebagai tindakan pencegahan. Bahkan, perusahaan makanan internasional besar seperti Kraft Foods asal AS terpukul oleh rumor mengenai penarikan sejumlah makanan ringan seperti Oreo dan M&Ms.
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), Selasa (23/9), memperingatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyelundupan susu bubuk bayi tercemar asal China itu melintasi perbatasan negara. Krisis itu semula diperkirakan hanya terbatas pada susu bubuk asal China yang tercemar melamin. Melamin adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk membuat plastik dan pupuk. Jika dikonsumsi, melamin bisa menyebabkan batu ginjal dan kemudian gagal ginjal.
Namun, dari tes baru-baru ini, ditemukan melamin dalam sampel susu cair yang diambil dari 22 perusahaan China dan menyebabkan ditariknya susu serta produk susu di seluruh negeri. Anthony Hazzard, Direktur WHO Pasifik Barat, mengatakan, 82 persen anak-anak yang jatuh sakit akibat susu bubuk itu berusia di bawah 2 tahun.
Tidak melaporkan
Pihak Grup Sanlu, perusahaan pertama yang ditemukan menjual produk tercemar, mengatakan, sebenarnya mereka mulai menerima keluhan mengenai anak-anak yang sakit setelah meminum produknya sejak Desember 2007. Namun, hal ini ditutup- tutupi selama berbulan-bulan.
Televisi China, CCTV, juga memberitakan bahwa pejabat komunis kota Shijiazhuang telah menunda penyampaian laporan dari Sanlu kepada atasan mereka.
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008
News From Okezone.com
iPod nano Terlalu Panas, Sebabkan Kebakaran
Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008 - 08:14 wib
Magfirah Ahdarini Sipahutar - Okezone
Hal ini diperkuat melalui pernyataan Menteri Perdagangan Jepang bahwa kemungkinan kebakaran tersebut terjadi karena kerusakan batere. Menurutnya 3 kebakaran di Jepang disebabkan oleh perangkat iPod nano yang terlalu panas.
Untungnya tidak ada korban jiwa di ketiga kebakaran ini. Berdasarkan keterangan dari pihak pemerintah Jepang, seperti yang dikutip dari Reuters, Rabu (20/8/2008), dua dari tiga kasus tersebut mengakibatkan luka ringan bagi sebagian korban.
Pihak Apple sendiri sampai sekarang belum memberikan keterangan resmi. Namun kementerian Jepang mengklaim telah mendapat konfirmasi dari Apple yang membenarkan kemungkinan berbahayanya baterai iPod dalam keadaan terlalu panas.
Bagaimana pun juga, iPod nano telah terjual cukup banyak di Jepang sejak September 2005 hingga September 2006. Menanggapi hal tersebut, Sebuah badan keselamatan perangkat elektronik asuhan pemerintah Jepang akan bekerja sama dengan Apple untuk mengusut peristiwa ini lebih lanjut.
"Kami tidak akan berspekulasi terhadap hasil investigasi. Namun setelah insiden-insiden terjadi beberapa hari belakangan ini, pihak Apple sepatutnya mengambil tindakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran konsumen dalam menggunakan produk mereka," tambah pihak kementerian Jepang. (srn)
GOKIL FACT dr Okezone.com
Wired World ?
Usia 102 Tahun, Suka Facebook dan Wii
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008 - 15:09 wib
Sarie - Okezone
Almarhum Olive Riley boleh menjadi blogger tertua di dunia. Namun Ivy Bean telah ditetapkan sebagai anggota Facebook tertua yang masih aktif hingga kini. Ivy merasa dunia online dapat menghibur masa tuanya dan hanya dengan inilah ia mampu bersenang-senang.
Nenek berusia lebih dari satu abad itu memutuskan untuk bergabung dalam Facebook, pertama kali, ketika ia mendengar perbincangan para suster di panti jompo tempat ia dirawat. Para perawat itu pun tidak keberatan membantu Ivy mengisi profil tentang dirinya di situs jaringan sosial tersebut.
"Saya mendengar segala macam hal tentang Facebook dan merasa tertarik untuk bergabung. Walhasil, saya suka sekali dengan situs ini dan saya selaluDaily Mail online setiap saat. Apalagi, Facebook tidak mengharuskan saya menulis dengan pulpen," ujar Ivy seperti dikutip melalui�, Sabtu (16/8/2008).
Menurut Ivy saat ini makin banyak orang yang bergabung dalam Facebook. Namun Ivy merasa memiliki kelebihan sendiri dengan usianya yang telah 102 tahun itu. Bagi Ivy, dalam usia tersebut ia memilik banyak cerita dan pengalaman yang dapat ia tumpahkan di Facebook.
"Saat ini saya baru memiliki sembilan orang teman tapi saya yakin ke depan akan terus bertambah. Saya akan menaruh beberapa foto saya di account Facebook pribadi saya itu," tambah Ivy. Saat ini, teman Ivy di Facebook telah mencapai 200 orang.
Selain mendapat restu dari pemilik panti, yang rela memberikan PC pribadi untuk Ivy ber-Facebook, Ivy juga menyatakan ingin sekali bermain Nintendo Wii. (srn)
Release The Sims 3 dr Okezone.com
Februari 2009, Sims 3 Resmi Diluncurkan EA
Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008 - 17:02 wib
Muhammad Candrataruna - Okezone
Di sela-sela Leipzig Games Convention beberapa waktu lalu, EA mengumumkan jadwal peluncuran versi terbaru game dunia virtual yang "meledak" sejak awal abad 21.
Pihak EA mengatakan The Sims 3 akan mulai tersedia di toko-toko elektronik retail pada 20 Februari tahun depan, tepatnya setelah musim belanja liburan panjang akhir tahun.
Dipaparkan pihak EA, The Sims 3 akan diluncurkan di atas platform Windows, dan dilengkapi fitur lingkungan hidup yang lebih luas di mana para pemain dapat menjelajahi ruang lingkup baru seperti pantai, gunung, dan pusat kota.
Lingkungan tersebut dapat berubah-ubah seiring pemain memasukkan konten-konten baru dan memodifikasi rumah sesuai dengan keingingan mereka. Sims juga akan menyuguhkan kepribadian yang lebih matang, seperti fitur kepribadian seseorang yang egois, berani, romantis, dan bahkan kleptomaniak.
Para pemain dapat mengombinasikan sifat-sifat tersebut seperti yang mereka mau ketika menciptakan sebuah karakter yang unik dan bermacam-macam. Tidak hanya itu, para pemain juga dimungkinkan untuk mengubah tiap-tiap aspek dari tampilan Sims mereka, meliputi warna rambut, warna kulit, dan bentuk badan.
Di samping itu, Sims versi terbaru ini juga menawarkan tujuan hidup jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, misalnya saja pada pilihan karir. Tiap pemain yang berhasil mencapai tujuannya akan diberikan semacam reward pada akhirnya.
The Sims merupakan salah satu produk yang memiliki kontribusi besar untuk pendapatan EA, dengan penjualan lebih dari 100 juta unit sejak debut Sims versi pertama di awal 2000. Hingga kini, game tersebut telah tersedia dalam 22 bahasa dan telah dipasarkan di lebih dari 60 negara.(cdr) (srn)
Latest News PS3 dr Okezone.com
Bundling PlayStation 3 160GB Siap Dirilis
Jum'at, 22 Agustus 2008 - 17:37 wib
Muhammad Candrataruna - Okezone
Pake bundle tersebut kabarnya akan didistribusikan dengan harga retail sekira USD500. Paket tersebut meliputi PlayStation 3 160GB, sebuah game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune yang dikembangkan oleh Naughty Dog, sebuah voucher PlayStation Network yang dapat digunakan untuk mengunduh Pain from Idol Minds, dan sebuah pengontrol nirkabel DualShock 3.
"Seiring PlayStation Network mengembangkan layanan video dan menyuguhkan game-game ekslusif, pengguna PS3 akan semakin membutuhkan kapasitas storage yang besar," kata Presiden dan CEO Sony Computer Entertainment of America Jack Tretton, seperti disitat Softpedia, Jumat (22/8/2008).
Sony terlihat cukup yakin bahwa kapasitas storage lebih penting untuk menunjang potensi pembeli dibandingkan harga, dan hal tersebut akan dibuktikan dengan paket bundle yang akan dirilis nanti.
Keypad nirkabel tersebut akan digunakan para gamers untuk mengirimkan pesan teks dalam PlayStation 3. Tombol untuk berinteraksi dan kotak pesan akan digunakan para gamers ditengah-tengah permainan.
Melihat utilitasnya, keypad nirkabel ini disinyalir dapat disandingkan dengan sejumlah ponsel pintar dan perangkat portable lainnya.
Sayangnya, Sony masih enggan memaparkan harga yang tepat untuk perangkat barunya tersebut.(cdr) (srn)
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

HD DVD vs. Blu-ray
Editors' note: Toshiba has officially announced that it will stop producing HD DVD products, bringing an end to the format war. This guide will be updated to reflect Toshiba's announcement shortly, but in the meantime buyers should steer clear of the now-defunct HD DVD format.
DVD is, by some measurements, the greatest success in consumer electronics history. Following its 1997 debut, it took the format just a few years to completely conquer the home-video market previously ruled by VHS tapes. Before DVD even reached its 10th birthday, however, the electronics industry and the Hollywood studios began putting it out to pasture. Two rival next-generation formats--Blu-ray and HD DVD--are now vying to become the successor to DVD's throne. Both display movies in full high-definition resolution, addressing one shortfall of the current DVD format, which is only standard-def. The video and audio quality of both formats can be truly spectacular when shown on an HDTV with a quality home theater audio system, surpassing even high-def television itself in fidelity and impact.
The bad news? To get that improved fidelity, you have to decide between either a Blu-ray player or an HD DVD player, and you won't be able to play certain studios' movies on either one. For example, if you're a sci-fi fan and want to watch The Fifth Element (Sony Pictures), you'll need a Blu-ray player, but if you want to watch Serenity (Universal) you'll need an HD DVD player. Yes, combo players that can handle both formats are available, but they currently cost more than actually purchasing two players, one for each format!
In the next few pages, we'll take a look at both formats, examine how they compare to one another, and highlight the advantages--and disadvantages--they offer compared to the current generation of DVD. And if you're looking for a prediction on the format war, we're finally ready to offer it: unless something completely unexpected happens, we expect Blu-ray to ultimately win the format war. But before we explain why, let's take a look at what both formats have to offer.
Source: www.google.com
REVIEW Super Mario Galaxy Wii

A new Nintendo system is out and that can only mean one thing, a new Mario title is sure to follow. Super Mario Galaxy has been out for a few months on the Nintendo Wii and there have been a ton of reviews out praising the game. I feel I should offer my two cents on the title just for the hell of it.
Mario is invited to the castle to celebrate some festival with Princess Peach. Suddenly, Bowser comes crashing in and takes the castle up into space with Peach still inside. Yes, outer space. Mario ended up on this space station ship sort of thing full of these small star things called Lumas that are cared for by a women called Rosalina. She is like a mother figure to them(There is more backstory to unlock once you progress further on through the game). Rosalina tells Mario that Peach was kidnapped by Bowser, and that Bowser is threatening the universe or something and must be stopped. The problem is that her space station does not work at the moment because it needs stars to power it. It is up to Mario to collect the stars to power the station to rescue Peach and to stop Bowser. There are the regular stars( a few are different colors, but the majority are gold) and grand stars. There are 6 or 7 Grand Stars that are received after beating a boss and once you gather a grand star a new observatory is unlocked meaning more worlds to explore.
This is where the gameplay comes in. Traditional Mario games have always been platformers. You go from level to level going from point A to Point B while overcoming obstacles in your way. That's the basic idea. Going back to the NES and SNES days it was just moving Mario to the right side of your screen towards the end of the level hoping you would not die along the way. Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 managed to evolve the series for the whole new 3D aspect of platforming and it was a great addition to the series and one of the best Mario titles. Picture a level in Mario 64, say the one where you fight the King Bob-omb. Now separate the areas into small chunks. Now make them into small globes. Now picture Mario going from globe to globe until he reaches the final globe where he fights the King Bob-omb on top of the mountain. This is the general setup for Super Mario Galaxy. The giant worlds are now a galaxy and the components comprising them are planets or whatever. They vary in shapes and sizes and consist of numerous kinds of enemies(Koopas, Goombas, Magikoopas, etc.) as well as friends(Toads, Penguins, etc.) Instead of jumping into paintings you go into an observatory that can propel you to a certain number of galaxies in said observatory. Once you select a galaxy to play you pick the star you want to go after and then you get it. Along the way you collect coins, star bits, and various mushrooms/powerups. Coins are honestly useless unless you want to collect 50 of them to get an extra life. There are no 100 star coins like in Super Mario 64, but there are specific levels that have coin collecting stars. I'm just talking about the gold coins in general. Star bits are the latest collectible in the Mario franchise. They are multicolored mini stars that are scattered all around the various worlds. Star bits are like candy to Lumas. Certain Lumas require you to feed them x-amount of Star Bits in order to create a new planet or galaxy depending on where they appear. There are two totals for star bits. The first is for the galaxies and how many you collect in them. There is no fixed amount in any of the worlds or a counter telling you that you collected so many out of so many. They reappear over and over again once you die and you can collect more and more. One time I reached the cap at 999. Anyway, besides that you can move a star cursor around the screen with the Wii-mote's motion sensing to shoot star bits at enemies. I found myself hardly shooting them because they do not do a whole lot other than stun enemies for a second. Finally, we shall discuss the mushrooms. What would a Mario game be without shrooms? Super Mario Galaxy introduces new powerups for Mario. There is a bee costume that allows Mario to fly for a few seconds. Just make sure not to touch water because the suit will disappear. There is a Mushroom to turn Mario into a Boo. With it he can be invisible for a few seconds and go through walls. The Spring Mushroom transforms Mario into a spring so he can jump higher. The fire flower makes its return, but it is on a timer. An ice flower allows mario to freeze water so he can make ice platforms to walk on. These powerups are like the three caps in Mario 64 in that they are only used to accomplish certain tasks to get to certain stars. No semi-permanent fire flower Mario like in the older games sadly. The green mushroom makes its return as the item that gives Mario an extra life. A new shroom is this red one that adds 3 hit points to Mario making a total of 6. Again, only temporary. Over all, the gameplay is very nice and feels more in the same vein as Mario 64 as opposed to Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube. I mentioned how some parts were pointless, but that is the picky gamer in me. Yes, coins and star bits are pretty damn pointless but they do not detract from the overall fun of the game.
Except for what little voice acting there is, the sound is incredible. Specifically the music. You have these awesome orchestra pieces playing in the background as well as remixes of various older Mario tracks. If anything, I think the music is one of the best parts of the game. This is all I really have to say as far as audio is concerned. Amazing job Nintendo!
Work well for the Wiimote, but they can still work without it for the most part. You have some instances where it uses the motion sensor just for the sake of it. Like shaking it to do certain moves or tilting it left ot right for Manta Ray surfing. Still, no real complaints unless you really hate the Wii and think it is just a gimmick. Otherwise everything was fine except for some minor camera issues for some worlds and trying to figure out how to get Mario to go in the direction you want.
Final Thoughts
When deciding to review this game my opinions on it changed back and forth. There are two ways I see it. The first is just looking at the game generally. The second is looking at it compared to everything else. By itself It is a great Mario game that is a must own for those that have a Nintendo Wii. People less picky than me will like this game a lot. With that I give the game a 9/10. My picky side says that this game could have been a lot better in some areas. The whole lives system is pointless and outdated. The series itself is feeling tired and drawn out. Yay I get to collect more stars and save Princess Peach from Bowser yet again. The least they could have done was create a better two player system. Why not have have the second player play as Luigi? Why can't we have a turn system like SMB3 or SMW? Also, where is Yoshi? Come on! Again, these are just my gripes. To most, however, this game is the best of 2007. To me it does not feel like anything too new or exciting, but just another Mario game. Still, I say pick up the game and play it. There is fun and excitement to be had, and younger kids will really like this game. With that I say buy the game, play it, and enjoy it. Thank you for reading my review.
Game Release: Super Mario Galaxy (US, 11/12/07)
Source: www.gamefaqs.com
REVIEW NO More Heroes Wii

During the Gamecube era there was a game released by Suda 51 and his Grasshopper Studios called Killer 7, and it went largely unnoticed by the general public. The game, which combined on-rails gameplay with a bizarre, confusing, violent, disturbing, funny, political, and overall completely over-the-top story, managed to find a small cult following who eagerly anticipated Suda 51's (an undertaker-turned video game developer,) next project, and here it is, No More Heroes, a game that's excellent in a whole different way. There are some games that when played, just feel "right," and No More Heroes is a home run in every department, from gameplay, to the sound, to the graphics, (well...not entirely there,) to the brilliant writing and long length....this game provides an experience unlike what any other video game offers and it deserves to be played by every Wii owner whose mature enough to handle the subject matter.
Graphics; Let's start here, because it's the game's biggest mixed bag. No More Heroes features a visual style that can be compared to Killer 7's; it's a cel shaded game with characters and environments that look like they're all drawings taken right out of a comic book. Although I wasn't a big fan of Killer 7's much darker take on cel shading, (which, however, did go with that game's theme,) No More Heroes instead uses the same type of visual style and applies it to much sunnier environments that are overall much more appealing on the eyes. Hands down, No More Heroes features a great visual style and the character models are vastly superior to Killer 7's; stylistically, No More Heroes is great.
Unfortunately, the technical-side of things isn't so great. Unlike Killer 7, which was backed by Resident Evil producer Shinji Mikami and his people at Capcom, No More Heroes was developed almost entirely as an indie project by Suda 51's Grasshopper Studios, and as a result, the game was clearly a bit lower-budget. It opts out of the lengthy anime FMV's that permeated Killer 7, instead going for almost entirely in-game cutscenes. (Which still look good, by the way, and are well-directed.) The graphics just don't seem as clean as Killer 7's overall, unfortunately, mostly due to an abundance of jaggies, extremely obvious pop-up when journeying across the city of Santa Destroy, as well as many clipping issues and other graphical glitches. Framerate drops also occasionally occur during combat, but I was still amazed how much action sometimes occurs on screen without the framerate taking an obvious hit. People who play No More Heroes should be prepared for an excellent and inviting graphics style, but the vast amounts of technical glitches, especially when in the city, are too much to be ignored.
Gameplay; No More Heroes's gameplay, though, is with very little flaws. Much like Killer 7, the game begins with a tutorial and first mission that make the game seem MUCH more complicated than it is. Once I came to grips with No More Heroes's combat system, though, I began to realize that I've rarely had so much fun and satisfaction when playing a video game.
The game is set up like this: Travis Touchdown's an all-American hero: a frequent renter at Beef Head Videos, (where he records over their porn tapes and returns those instead of the originals,) and aside from his video gaming, his action figure collections, and his interest in pro wrestling, Travis also happens to be an assassin on the side. One night he gets drunk at a bar and runs into a woman named Sylvia, who sets him up in a ranked battle to become "#1." He starts at 11, and must kill each assassin above him, (using a Beam Katana he won in an online auction,) to reach the acclaimed spot of "#1." It's a fairly simple premise (nothing like the complete and total chaos presented in Killer 7's monster of a politically-charged plot,) but one that provides No More Heroes with tons of humor and of course, gets you from one memorable boss to the other. Each of these assassins have unique and interesting personalities and they are all very good fighters. No More Heroes is not a huge challenge overall but these bosses are serious; they are intense and they demand a lot out of the gamer, and several tries are often required to find their weaknesses and exploit them. Luckily, the game has a hint system that will provide you a helpful hint if you get killed by a boss, which is always appreciated. To get to these bosses, you must first hack-and-slash your way through tons of enemies. This is done by hitting the A-button to hack away at the enemy, and as their health meters reach the end, a Wii-remote gesture is prompted and Travis will either slice their heads off or even cut them right down the middle, (to a Kill Bill-like torrent of blood that rains down on the proceedings) and catching several enemies with this at once is one of the most satisfying elements of the game, and at times my vision was entirely obscured by the torrents and torrents of blood that sprayed from enemies (who yell out lines like "MY SPLEEN!!!") as they're cut to bits. There's much more to the combat system than meets the eye, including wrestling moves, blocking and dodging techniques, additional powers, a lottery system, etc. and despite the simplistic nature of it (the game's a hack-and-slash, afterall,) there's a ton of depth and strategy. It always remains completely fun and satisfying both when hacking and slashing your way towards these bosses, and when fighting these very intense fights against some of the coolest bosses in the history of gaming.
To get to these assassination missions, Travis needs to pay an entrance fee. To do this, he must complete hilariously mundane odd-jobs in the city of Santa Destroy. These include everything from carrying coconuts to cleaning up vandalism. Although mundane in nature, they're actually pretty fun to play. Successfully completing one of these get Travis some cash to visit K Entertainment to complete a "shadier" job, typically involving killing some henchmen. These pay well and of course are often extremely fun, giving us more time with the game's perfect combat system. Once you have enough cash you deposit it in a bank account and then journey to the next Assassination Mission. Traveling is done by motorbike, which controls solidly (just make sure you brake as you turn,) and the city the game takes place in is one of the most twisted versions of LA I've ever seen. Called Santa Destroy, it's home to several places to go and things to do. Need to get more strength or max HP? Head to the gym to work out. You can also buy videos (to learn new wrestling moves,) you can buy new weapons and upgrades, you can participate in several challenging (but optional) killing missions, buy new clothes for Travis, and more. You can also have some fun inside Travis's motel room/apartment, where you can interact with a lot of cool stuff. Although Santa Destroy's much lighter on activity than the cities in most open world games (and while it's home to several technical issues,) I really enjoyed these portions of the game. After the non-stop and linear action of the Assassination Missions, (including some very challenging and intense bosses,) I loved then getting to simply relax and enjoy traveling Santa Destroy, moving forward at my own pace, earning money and preparing for my next Assassination Mission. I'm confident that this game wouldn't have been nearly as complete or fun without this aspect to it.
What's also fun about Santa Destroy is the opportunity to interact with Suda 51's trademark bizarre characters. All the shopkeepers in this game speak with the weirdest dialogue ever, some of it fairly philosophical (the subject of souls often comes up,) and their small amount of voice acting is, for some hilarious reason, heavily accented Japanese (despite the whole game otherwise being voiced in full English,) and the comments they make to you, for example, as you leave their stores, are hilarious. They also have their own strange quirks, like a physical trainer that first demands Travis remove his pants and underwear before weightlifting, a paranoid t-shirt salesman in the Area 51 clothing store, a sexy femme fatale sword saleswoman, and more. All are awesome and add so much personality to a game already overflowing with it. Everything about the city of Santa Destroy is bizarre and extremely weird, and the game's world is definitely "America by way of Japan." Although the game definitely takes place in America, everyone acts in such a bizarre and strange way that it's almost like its own world, and certain Japanese things make their way into the game as well, making Suda 51's love of both cultures extremely apparent. As if the heavily accented shopkeepers weren't enough, a Japanese pop song also plays on the loudspeakers of several stores; not the type of thing one typically hears in LA stores but a very nice touch all the same. Although No More Heroes takes place in America and features all American characters, it's clearly a Japanese game, and this always shows. The theme of "rock" is also always present, as a heavy guitar riff plays every time a character enters or exits a room, and Grasshopper Studio's logo at the start of the game even proclaims "Punk is not dead!" Toilets are also a big theme here, as saving in No More Heroes is done by taking a crap at a toilet.
In a way, the game's structured exactly like those classic video games from the 80's, where the goal was simply to become "#1" on a scoreboard. No More Heroes follows the same basic design, even illustrating this inspiration with its retro menus, and even having a scoreboard (very reminiscent of something from Pac Man) appear on screen after each Assassination Mission is completed, showing Travis moving up a rank. Admittedly, this structure (which the game rigidly sticks by for the entire game; make money, Assassination Mission, boss, make money, Assassination Mission, boss, make money, Assassination Mission, boss, etc. etc. etc.) does begin to wear a bit thin at around the game's midpoint, but the game luckily comes back in the last few fights with the introduction of some new characters and some of the game's best boss fights. Video Gaming and the fact that this is a video game is a theme common throughout No More Heroes, and during the game's ending (especially if you view the HIGHLY recommended Full Ending...buy all swords to get the full ending,) it breaks the 4th wall entirely to some hilarious results.
Gameplay-wise, Suda 51 and his team have achieved near perfection with No More Heroes. The combat system's amazingly fun, it makes PERFECT use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuck, the characters are all awesome, Santa Destroy's brimming with character thanks to some truly hilarious NPC's, the plot's funny, and Travis is probably one of the most bad-ass heroes I've ever controlled in a video game. It also provides a lengthy quest (slightly over 15 hours) which is always a plus, especially since this is the type of game where I stayed up literally until 4:00 AM at times playing; I could not put the controller down. I really can't express how excellent this game is.
Sound; The voice acting's intentionally over the top and it works perfectly with the rest of the game. The actors weren't going for Oscar-winning performances, they were trying to be as crazy, intense, or as funny as possible, and they were successful on all levels. Musically, certain things work, certain don't. The game's main theme is remixed and played WAY too much over the course of No More Heroes, but otherwise the soundtrack here's awesome, with the music during some boss fights (Rank 2 being the most memorable) providing the perfect atmosphere. The song that plays inside the shops, the music during the cutscenes...it's all cool stuff and while none of it's quite as memorable as some of Killer 7's soundtrack, it definitely provides a slick and cool backdrop to the game's events. The game also makes excellent use of the Wii Remote speaker; make sure your speaker's on, as not only does it add lots of great sound effects to the fighting, but before boss fights Travis will get a cell phone call, (which comes out of the Wii Remote speaker like a cell phone,) and this unfortunately doesn't come out of the TV speakers if the Wii Remote's is turned off, so make sure the speaker's on.
No More Heroes is an example of a game where everything just clicked and it worked perfectly. Yes, things become slightly "deja-vu" at around the game's mid-point (a feeling that thankfully goes away as you near the end,) and on rare occasions the gesture response wasn't perfect, and also rarely poor checkpoint placement and the occasionally frustrating boss become issues, and no, the graphics aren't always pretty...but these occasional hiccups are nothing compared to what the game does right. The game plays amazingly, it flows great, it's both hilariously funny, excessively violent, extremely suggestive, (wait till you see how Travis charges his Beam Katana,) totally self-aware, and also, of course, bizarre as hell. While admittedly the plot here's not even close to being in the same league as Killer 7's (nor does it even try to be,) and while the technical aspects are not always up to snuff, the game is, overall, superior to Killer 7 in almost every other way imaginable. It's a game that was made by people with a great sense of humor and who love what they do, and it shows in every aspect of No More Heroes. It deserves to find an audience and it deserves to be a hit. Suda 51...what can I say, the man's a genius and if he ever gets a publisher who gives him a huge budget and isn't afraid to market his games, he will be an unstoppable force in the video game industry. So buy No More Heroes and, as Sylvia says, "Head for the Garden of Madness!"
Note; No More Heroes is not a game for a young audience, as it features strong violence, lots of sexual themes, strong language, and some disturbing images. But it's all done in a comic and over-the-top style that was meant to be social satire...it's very unfortunate that the blood was removed from the game for its Japanese and European releases. I'm still recommending you guys play the game, it will be awesome even with the censoring. But looking at Europe particularly, it's a shame that the current controversy surrounding Manhunt 2 being banned from release in the UK has given Grasshopper and the game's European publisher a reason to release the censored version there. It's sad because Manhunt 2 was a horrible game that was the result of developers who didn't care about anything but a quick buck...and it put another dark mark on the video game industry and prevented REAL GAMES, like this one, from being released in their true form. Games with actual substance, where the developers were actually passionate about making the best game imaginable. Manhunt 2 was nothing but a rushed "murder simulation" with as much charm as a loaded shotgun, while No More Heroes, also sickeningly violent, is a true piece of comedic satire and over-the-top cartoony violence, and it sucks that, clearly, some people, even apparently the game's developers, couldn't tell the difference.
Game Release: No More Heroes (US, 01/22/08)
Source: www.gamefaqs.com
REVIEW Rock Band PS3

I've been playing music games for quite some time. Parappa was the first I played, and for a while, the best I'd played. I've played almost any worthwhile music game that's come down the pipeline, including Samba de Amigo, DDR, Gitaroo Man, and many others. They were all fun, and a had a flow between visuals and music that wasn't matched by many other genres.
Then Guitar Hero came out. A lot of people initially thought it was just an Americanized Guitar Freaks (which it is), but it had a certain quality that elevated it above its niche market. I don't think anyone, Harmonix and Red Octane included, could have guessed the popularity the series has reached. But after 2 great games in the franchise, and one lackluster entry, Harmonix split to do something different, and, as it turns out, better.
Rock Band brings all of those "what if Guitar Hero had..." wishes to life. Everything from the GH franchise is in play in Rock Band, with many noticeable, and some subtle improvements. Presentation is second to none, and the track list is full of winners. I'll break the review down into chunks.
Visuals (technical): 8/10
The visuals in Rock Band are pretty outstanding for the Playstation 3. The characters models aren't hyper-realistic, but the details are incredible. The characters, crowds, and arenas (of which there are 40+) all look fantastic, all boasting great animation and lighting effects. The stadiums should especially be noted for the lighting; the effects in GH were fun to look at, but the effects in Rock Band are the best recreation of a concert I've ever seen in a game. The only real gripe I can hold against the game is that character model's hair has poor collision detection, but that really is a minor gripe. Harmonix nailed the technical details to the visuals, but they aren't even the best part of the visual presentation.
Visuals (art design): 9.5/10
This is where the game shines in the visual department. Each of the characters are given a more realistic look, when compared to Guitar Hero, but that doesn't hamper the art direction. From the menus, to the stadiums, even to the accessory and shirt designs, everything is top-notch. The in-game camera filters were a brilliant choice. Instead of going for a clean, static look, more akin to Guitar Hero, Rock Band includes fast zooms, Shaw bros style, shaky cams, grain filters, and even some cool black and white effects. It all comes together to look like a concert DVD. The visual design flows together very well, and Harmonix deserves some recognition for that.
Music: 9/10
A music game must have good music, and the songs on the disc are, not surprisingly, great tracks. From Bowie, to the Chili Peppers, to some Sabbath, nearly every track is a winner included with the game. One of the gripes I had with Guitar Hero III was that it went for tracks people knew, instead of tracks that were fun to play. Harmonix took the smart route and got the big name bands, but didn't go with their most popular tracks. It was a good choice, and leads to some very fun songs. I was also extremely glad to see the indie tracks return: I loved Honest Bob's songs in GHI and GHII, and the song included by them is great. Overall, the tracklist is great.
Gameplay: 9.5/10 (Single player: 8.5/10 Multiplayer: 10/10 Online: 9/10)
The game play, basically, is a hybrid of Karaoke Revolution, Guitar Hero, and an altered Drummania. Each instrument has a solo campaign, in which you make your own character, and quickplay. Each also can be used simultaneously in multiplayer, either in quick play or the Band World Tour Mode. There is also online, with multiplayer and downloadable (and fairly cheap) songs.
The single player mode is the standard Guitar Hero campaign mode, just stretched across each instrument (except bass). In my review for GHIII, I said that the GH formula was getting stale, and the same holds true here. The drums and vocals, however, extend the single player life by far, essentially adding 2 new games to the package. It really shows how much GH pales in comparison, both longevity-wise and value-wise. The fact that you can use your own custom character also gets some points for the single player. Overall, it's what was expected, but has great tweaks that keep it fresh.
The multiplayer, of course, is where the game shines. Quick play is fun, and fairly intuitive to swap instruments. The real meat is the Band World Tour. The game essentially turns into a music game-RPG hybrid, something that I have never seen or heard of before. For a first time effort, Harmonix almost completely nailed it. You and 1-3 friends go around the world gathering fans and cash, and play different set lists. Many of them are one songs, but occasionally you get a themed (and often clever) set list, some themed around the city, other just a grab bag. Every member of the band is customizable, which adds to the feeling that your band is truly different from everyone else's. Add to fact that you can design logos and tattoos for the band and members, and it gets pretty deep. If there is one hangup I have with this mode, it's the fact that band member cannot switch instruments. It's an understandable design choice, but the leader of the band must always be present, and they must play their designated instrument. It's a tad annoying that I chose guitar and can't play drums without someone filling in. It's only one minor gripe I have with a fairly brilliant mode.
The online is also well done. It's widely known that the Band World Tour mode is not online, but given the structure, it's understandable. The quick play mode is just as it is in offline, and it's good to know I can play with my buddies when they're out of town. The biggest part of online, though, is the downloadable content. The songs are only 2 bucks a pop, with 3 song pack costing 5.50. It's really not bad, especially compared to GHIII, considering how many game play options you have per song. The fact that new songs are up every week pretty much extends Rock Band's lifespan indefinitely.
Overall: 9.5/10
This game is my choice (as of now) for game of the year. Harmonix tried many new things with this game: new game play concepts, new game play modes, and an ambitious online structure. They succeeded largely, and that's more than I can say for most games that have come out in the past few years. Harmonix has been in the business for a while, with some small masterpieces like FreQuency and Amplitude. This is the game they will be remembered for. Yeah, the game has a huge price tag, and isn't a brand name, but the same was said about Guitar Hero when it came out. Despite a few quirks I had with the game, Harmonix nailed every aspect it shot for. If they keep their promise of new songs every week, then I see no reason for Guitar Hero to exist anymore. Harmonix has a hit on their hands. My personal score says 9.5, because it isn't absolutely perfect, but I bumped it up to a 10 for GameFAQs' scale. It deserves it. I can say, without a doubt, buy this game. It's the best I've played all year, and it's the best music game since Parappa started it all.
Game Release: Rock Band (Bundle) (US, 11/20/07)
Source: www.gamefaqs.com
MGS 4: Guns Of The Patriots PS3

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots features an aging and exhausted Solid Snake in the middle of a futuristic battlefield. In spite of his failing body, Snake is equipped with a crucial new device tentatively known as "OctoCamo," a high-tech suit that dynamically transforms its texture based on Snake's surroundings. This revolutionary new gameplay mechanic allows him to seamlessly blend into the environment, providing him with the means to stalk his enemies like never before. This latest chapter in Hideo Kojima's legendary tactical espionage actin series marks the return of several characters from previous Metal Gear Solid games including Revolver Ocelot, Meryl Silverburgh, Naomi Hunter and Raiden, and features an unforgettable story that depicts the desperate state of the future as seen through the eyes of an older Solid Snake.
Source: www.gamefaqs.com
REVIEW The World End With You NDS
"This game cannot get better anymore........ because it is already best!"
World Ends With You
World Ends With You was developed by our best friend, Square Enix and Also the very same team who made Kingdom Hearts. World Ends With You also have the same battling style as Kingdom Hearts have so don't worry it is not turn based. World Ends with You have many features including the food system and even an exercise system. Want to discover a new World? Then Discover the World Ends With You.
Story Plot is quite complicated, you play in the game and your job is to survive this for seven days and after winning you can go back to the real grounds which is the real world, that means you must be dead before joining this so called game of life.
The World where you play the game is simply called as Underground, a place where people cannot hear, talk or help you. Sad life under there huh? Don't worry you can read people's minds who are still living and sometimes then can help you too by giving clues. Other people can also see and talk to you if you enter a room with a reaper decal it is created by the Composer to help you progress throughout the game.
Don't worry there are also other players like you who play for another chance on the Real Grounds and one of these players must be your partner or else you cannot battle. The Underground is also being composed of Noise, these noise are also like Kingdom Heart's Heartless. Noise stop you from going back to the Real grounds by means of attacking. Noise are created by Reapers who are being tasked to prevent you from coming back and without Reapers there are no more fun that is why the Composer made them. The Composer is the one who created the game and everything starting from the rules up to pins. Composers assigned Game Masters or GMs to become the Game Master on that whole week.
Game Play
The Game Play is hardcore, you choose Pins that can be collected from shops. These are your Weapon on the game and battling itself. Each Pins have different powers and very unique mechanics on how to use it. Even weak Pins can become destructive on the hands of a skillful master. Pins also evolve on how you get experience from enemies like if you defeat Enemy A you get A experience and If you defeat Enemy B you get B experience, the Evolution of Pins depends on how you level them up and if you got the wrong experience the pin will not evolve so be careful. Pins can be used depending on their command namely Slash, Draw A Circle, Tap, Press and Shout. So with the wrong command you do on your DS the Pin will not work.
On the very battle itself you play as either Neku, which is the Main character or your partner that is varying from time to time but of course if you are an expert you can use both of them on the same time for a clean sweep.
There are also other things on World Ends with you which are the Food System, Exercise System and the Friendship Gauge. On the Food System you can consume up 24 bytes of foods per day (Real Life Time) and by means of Exercising you can digest these foods you ate that gives a permanent effect like HP up or a Temporary effect which is Sync Rate Plus. The Friendship Gauge is your relationship to the store owner and because there are a lot of shops this will never go down but this will never go up if you don't buy to the owner. Buying items and gaining Friendship gauge or simply FSG means unlocking new quest items and these quest items are very rare and strong. These three are just one of the factors that make World Ends with you a great game.
Graphics and Sounds
Graphics are very artistically designed in 2D because DS can't handle 3D but 2D isn't bad at all because they look very alive and I'm impressed they even look better than 3D so Square just got to stay on 2D graphics. Modern Tokyo setting is colorful but can be dull sometimes because of the road color. The streets are just like full of paintings and modern places are very colorful with lots of billboards and of course the human's clothing's that makes Tokyo very alive and I'm happy that it does not give off any dark aura setting.
The Sounds on the menu can be changed anytime as long as you own CDs of them that can be bought on music stores. Simply tap the CD and it will now play the music. The music is very relaxing and you can find all sorts of Genres of on shops but to get rare CDs you must also have a high FSG with the owner.
It will really take some time to go through the Learning Curve and it is about 3 hours. Imagine that 3 hours just on the Learning Curve. The story is very long and Collecting all pins and playing Tin Pins are also the factors which make this game long and good thing it also have a new game plus.
Final Recommendation
If you own a DS you must get this game, why? Because you cannot do your assignment anymore because this game sucks you in to the World Ends You.
Game Release: The World Ends With You (EU, 04/18/08)
Source: www.gamefaqs.com